IT Support Centre
Tel : +968 26850100 – Ext. 333
Office: LRC, 2nd Floor
Technology Training Center
The Information Technology Services (ITS) department attempts to provide the university community with cutting-edge computing services. IT Services at Sohar University (SU) has a long history of promoting institutions’ missions by assuring stable core systems and network infrastructure, providing exceptional technical support, and promoting and facilitating technology integration into learning and teaching as well as business processes. Our goal is to consistently provide a high level of service and enhance and renew the university’s technology resources as needed to serve the academic and administrative functions of the institution. The department has highly qualified and experienced staff with a wide range of specializations devoted to the students’ professional and technical development.
Sohar University Information Technology Services department provides a secure environment where technology is accessible to our students and provides the tools and knowledge necessary to integrate technology into the curriculum for our faculty. The department provides an efficient and effective operation for our staff to carry out their work.
The following are the primary duties of IT Services to serve the university mission:
- IT Services (ITS) oversees planning, managing, and directing technology initiatives at SU that support both academic and administrative operations.
- It provides a wide range of technological services to the campus community, including developing, monitoring, and maintaining the campus data network, computer systems and servers, telephone systems, computer laboratories, and smart classrooms.
- It uses strategic planning to run and improve current and future IT initiatives that are appropriate and necessary to support the institution’s needs.
- It provides the required training and support services to ensure that technologies are used effectively throughout the institution.
Strategies Priorities
The IT Strategic Plan is a framework for guiding technology decisions and planning. The strategic plan is designed to provide direction and guidance for evaluating, selecting, and prioritizing technologies that facilitate the university’s pursuit of its goals and objectives. SU’s strategic plan will change and adapt as SU’s goals and objectives change over time.
- Enable and Support Teaching, Learning, and Library Activities
The department analyzes the university’s need for general purpose or departmental computer labs and develops a comprehensive computer lab plan to include virtual learning spaces. It collaborates with academic departments and the university libraries to promote, plan, and support digital literacy and competencies in new media and other technology used in teaching and learning.
- Maintain and Improve the Core Infrastructure
It continually maintains and upgrades an appropriate technological infrastructure, keeping pace with the rapid proliferation of information, software, devices, and emerging tools for teaching and learning, including distance learning. Another priority is improving and expanding wireless (data and voice) access to promote ubiquitous, mobile access to resources, systems, services, and tools for learning and productivity.
- Support and Enable Administrative Information Systems and Business Intelligence
It plans to increase business processing efficiencies through the application and adoption of existing technology owned by the institution. It aims to improve the analysis and management of institutional data through data standards, integration, protection, and governance. It also plans to implement processes, tools, and applications that centralize, simplify, and improve the management of application interfaces.
- Provide Quality Customer Service and Technology Support
The department focuses on aligning service and support resources with customer needs. It simplifies the user experience by optimizing the application inventory to limit the number of applications users must learn and interact with.
- Maintain Highly Qualified Information Technology Staff
It recruits, develops, and retains high-quality IT professionals to support all aspects of the university’s technology offerings and services. It strives to provide professional development for staff to foster their ability to support the rapid proliferation and adoption of software tools, computing devices, and emerging technologies. Increasing the efficient use of highly trained and skilled student aides throughout IT augments technical services.
- Maintain and Enhance Information Security
It works collaboratively with faculty, staff, and students to foster collaboration and innovation in technology while ensuring an appropriate institutional security posture.
- Enhance Portfolio and Project Management
It establishes and refines a portfolio management process to assess, prioritize, and approve technology projects. The process should examine each project’s resource requirements and strategic alignment in an effort to select projects for implementation that most closely support SU’s goals and objectives and maximize the use of its limited resources.
SU Information Technology Services will enable the efficient and effective use of information technology in a manner responsive to individual and institutional needs. The department members will foster an IT environment that supports ongoing and anticipated IT requirements that are implemented to achieve high levels of student success, excellence in research and creative endeavors, and efficiency in institutional operations.
In collaboration with IT professionals across the institution, ITS provides a vision and delivery of IT services essential to the university’s operation and success. We have high-tech facilities for our students to use first-hand experience.
![المساعدة والدعم الفني](
IT Support Centre is a free source to provide help and support for University staff and students. Its intent to be used as a resource to help those who wish to connect and use the University’s network, applications, and email system. Here, you can report a problem with the network, get help connecting to the wireless system and have computer related questions answered. Students, faculty, and staff can call, email or walk in to make use of the services offered.
IT Support Center is available for helping those with e-mail, user’s accounts, application, and network/wireless issues. For computers infected by viruses, we will support you in cleaning your devices as much as possible, some precautionary actions can be taken in some cases as disconnecting temporary the internet from the computer.
Location: LRC 2nd Floor
Phone: 333
Opening hours | Time-From | Time-To |
Sunday – Thursday | 08:00 | 04:00 |
Friday – Saturday | Closed |
![الحلول السمعية والبصرية](
A specialized team of Information Technology Services in audio/visual solutions, can help you with all your audio and visual needs at Sohar University.
Audio Visual Equipment in Classes
Our team equipped all classes, activities halls and computer laboratories with Audio Visual equipment. The team is ready to support any special requirement and to train staff on using these equipment and facilities
Staff can request support by calling the IT support center on ext. “333” or by entering a request in Helpdesk Portal.
Hours of Operation:
Opening hours | Time-From | Time-To |
Sunday- Thursday | 08.00 | 18.00 |
All classes are equipped with data show projector, computer and network connection Some of the classes and theatres are equipped with advanced sound system and smart podiums.
The Office of Information Technology Services (ITS) would like to take this opportunity to wish you an enjoyable and productive academic year in SU. ITS taking advantage of information technology to support the pursuit of knowledge in an integrated environment. We believe technology can develop an open, group/working well together, and bringing together as one culture.
To help you get started with technology, we’ve collected/made the following checklist.
- Wi-Fi: Students can connect to unlimited Wi-Fi using Student ID and Password. Wi-Fi coverage is available on whole campus as well as in student hostel.
Please note: Do NOT Share Your Password with anyone” - Print: There nine student’s Photocopier located in different location, 1000 pages per semester provided for each student. You can print by send request from any labs inside the campus or from any devices connected to Wi-Fi inside the campus.
- Office 365 and One drive: Each student has the right to download full office 365 suite on his own devices and he is also provided with access to OneDrive cloud storage with unlimited space. Users can collaborate using these applications and shared storage.
- Computer Laboratories: There are more than 21 computer laboratories in Sohar university campus, some of these computer labs are dedicated for free access by students such as the 90 computers free access lab in LIWA building, another big number of computers also distributed in many free access areas such as LRC building. Computers labs are used for teaching and for self-training by students as most of the computers can be used for free access in non-scheduled hours.
- Email: Every student provided with his/her own Office 365 E-Mail account. E-mail address login credential is
Once you arrive for Registration:
- Get your Students ID and Password from Registration Department
- Connect to SU Wi-Fi through Student using your Student ID and Password.
- Free Access Lab is available for use any time from 8 AM till 4 PM
- Computers in LRC can be used by student during the LRC working hours
- Configure Your SU E-mail on your phone and/or laptop.
- Check and activate e-services
- For further help, visit IT Support center in LRC 2nd floor.
![كلمة المرور](
Detailed information about password policy and instructions for managing your password are given below.
- Check ITS Password Policy
Network Password Rules:
- Never share your network password with anyone.
- SU Passwords must follow a specific set of guidelines as follows:
- At least 10 characters long.
- Contains a mixture of upper and lower‐case letters.
- Includes at least one number, punctuation mark or other special character ()! @#$%^&*()_+~?><{}..Etc.
- dont based on a single dictionary word
- Does not include any of your names.
- It is recommended by the information technology department that the user should change the password every 180 days( for stronger security.
- Sohar University System will create e-mail notifications for staff prior to their user account password expiry and renewal.
![القاعات الدراسية و المختبرات](
Sohar University classrooms and labs equipped with a variety of technologies to enhance teaching and learning experience.
Computer Classrooms
All classrooms on campus are equipped with computers used for teaching purposes. These computers are connected to the university network and to a data show projector or LED screen for presentation purposes. Many classes are equipped with sound system to assist in listening or in presenting audio contents.
Theatres (Smart board rooms)
There are 8 Theaters equipped with an integrated Audio-Video system- podium- and also it contains smart boards to support the interactive education. Each theatre contains a computer, network and Internet access, screen, and overhead projector with sound system. These theatres can be used for instructor lectures and student presentations.
In addition, theatres can be used for activities and events.
Computer Labs
There are over 20 computer laboratories including 7 Virtual desktop labs (VDI), free laboratory and multi-media laboratory, Total number of computers in labs is around 900 computers.
Computer laboratories used for free access, teaching and self-training and to provide students with space and time to work, practice and do their projects and assignments
![البريد الإلكتروني](
SU utilizes Microsoft Exchange email. Email can be accessed through the web, through the Outlook desktop client, or on mobile devices. For assistance in accessing email or configuring desktop or mobile email please contact Help desk Extn: 333 or email:
SU students E-Mail
SU Information Technology Services (ITS) provide to every student with their own Office 365 E-Mail account. E-mail address login credential is students
Frequently asked Question (FAQ's)
What is the full e-mail address I can use to access?
Students who have register before Jan 2018 they can use
Students register in Jan 2018 and up
What time zone should I choose when setting up my email account?
The correct Time Zone is (UTC +04:00) Abu Dhabi, Muscat
I cannot send or receive any e-mails?
Delete some unwanted messages from your Outbox, Sent items, and Inbox.
If you still experiencing issue, please Submit a ticket here OR visit IT Support center in LRC 2nd floor.
How can I set my SU E-mail account on my phone?
Set up your E-Mail account on your phone, by following steps below:
• for iOS
• for Android
How do I join the Library?
If you are an SU Faculty, staff or student with a valid SU Card, then you are eligible to use the Library
I have some doubt related to my Microsoft Office 365 email account?
Visit IT Support center in LRC 2nd floor.
Information Technology Services is securing Sohar university technology infrastructure and data. Cybersecurity is responsibility of everyone in the campus, therefore we look for having a community that is aware of the cyber threats and cooperate in achieving a secure cyber environment.
To achieve that, we work to have members who are well informed about cybersecurity risks, members who follow the best practices and committed to implement the security policies.
Report Security Incidents
We believe that cybersecurity is shared responsibility, we would encourage every member of Sohar university to report any potential security incident to IT team.
Please report all potential malware or phishing emails to or visit our IT support center in LRC- second floor
Top 5 Tips for cybersecurity
- When you doubt, Delete it. Posts, on-line advertising or links in emails used usually to compromise users accounts and data, so when you suspect any received email, tweet or link and you don’t identified the source, just delete it or mark it as junk, in addition report the incident to
- Pay attention to URL. Be careful on opening websites, as in many cases malicious website could be very similar to legitimate sites, and could differ only in one letter or it has a different domain.
- Use Only Strong Password. Weak passwords is very easy to be cracked to avoid risk on your data and devices, use only strong password. Strong password usually formed from long sentence with numbers and symbols
- Keep your devices updated and clean. The best defense against security threats is keep your system updated, latest Operating system updates, latest updates on applications and latest updates of anti-virus
- Don’t communicate your information. Be careful to not communicate your personal information to any requester, even if it sounds good to do, as your information is the most valuable asset that can lost
- Sohar University Provide 1000 pages per semester for each MHE Sponsored student.
- Students need to use their on username and password to access photocopier and remember to log off after usage.
- Students can send their print request from any labs inside the campus and they can release any one of the nine student’s Photocopier located in different location.
- With the help of Mobile Printing Student can send their print request from any devices connected to Wi-Fi inside the campus
- Students can check their print account details via Su-website->My Su->Printer Details.
- Students can raise their printing related issues via telephone located at each Photocopier.
- We are providing sample documentation how to use printing solution at each notice board nearby photocopier and in Su-website also
- Students can use 24-Hour photocopier service.
- Student photocopiers are only for students printing purpose Staff access denied.
Staff Printing Service
Staff can use photocopier in each Faculties/Departments.
Staff can use their own staff username and password or Five digit code provided by ITS.
Staff can send their printing jobs from any computer from inside campus and they can release their job any staff photocopier inside the campus.
At present, there is no limit for staff printer usage, but monitored by the management.
With the help of mobile printing, they can print from any devices connected to Wi-Fi.
Staff can raise their printing related issue via IT-helpdesk portal, email or by phone.
Edugate is a system composed of several services for visitors to the gate and the students and teachers. It eases dealing with the academic system of the University and provides as much information to it’s users, while ensuring the validity and accuracy of information and updated directly. Edugate works in both Arabic and English, smooth and can be used by everyone.
SULMS is Sohar University Learning Management System integrated with Moodle 3.x version. SULMS contains course materials categorized as Weekly / Topics, Assignments, Online Quiz, Plagiarism, chat with class teacher etc.
Mobile Application
Sohar University mobile application enables students to apply for services in an ease way. The application starts with accommodation and transportation services, and very soon it will cover more services.
Click here to download for Android / Click here to download for Apple
Staff Portal is a system built in SharePoint which is used to track, manage and store documents. It has capability of keeping a record of the various versions created and modified by different users in University.
![الشبكة اللاسلكية](
ITS provides Wi-Fi network coverage in University throughout every building on campus as well as many common outdoor areas. Wi-Fi networks available based on user type.
Staff: Corporate Wi-Fi
Corporate Wi-Fi network for staff and faculty. Login to this network using your SU username and password. Only staff and faculty can access to this network. user can connect only two devises in same time
PLEASE NOTE: If you are unable to connect your device, please visit the IT support center for assistance.
Student: Wi-Fi
Student Wi-Fi network for SU students. Login to this network using your SU username and password. Only students can access to this network. user can connect only two devises in same time
PLEASE NOTE: If you are unable to connect your device, please visit the IT support center for assistance.
eduroam (education roaming) is a secured wireless network service that allows students, staff, and faculty to use their home institution’s wireless credentials to access wireless network services, when visiting other eduroam participating institutions, without having to set up a guest account.
Guest Wi-Fi:
Guest should request the ITS support for free Wi-Fi access using Guest SSID and ITS Support will provide the credential for limited time.
Visitors can join our campus Wi-Fi guest network on their mobile devices. To join simply follow these steps:
- When on campus, access your mobile device Wi-Fi settings
- Select the SUGuest network
- Open a mobile browser on your device
- When redirected, accept the SU terms and conditions of use
Your guest access will last for 24 hours – enjoy!