اللغة والتواصل

اللغة الإنجليزية

نظرة عامة هذه الدورة مدتها 3 أسابيع وتعقد كل شهر لإعداد الطلاب لاختبار الأيلتس.
مخرجات التعلم الهدف من هذه الدورة هو تدريب الطلاب على الاستراتيجيات التي يحتاجونها لإكمال اختبار الأيلتس بنجاح.
المشاركون المستهدفون الطلاب الراغبين في إجراء دراسات عليا وعامة الجمهور الذين يرغبون في الهجرة إلى دول أخرى.
تاريخ الدورة التدريبية
  • 21/10/2023 – 03/11/2023
  • 18/11/2023 – 01/12/2023
  • 16/12/2023 – 29/12/2023
عدد الساعات 40 ساعة تدريبية
لغة البرنامج اللغة الانجليزية
مكان الانعقاد جامعة صحار
رسوم التسجيل 100 ريال عماني
لمزيد من الاستفسارات الهاتف: 26850111
الواتساب: 91271393
البريد الإالكتروني: bajmi@su.edu.om

اللغة العربية

Course Overview The Arabic program is designed to deliver Arabic language training to all non-native speakers from around the world. We offer four levels of intensive Arabic throughout the year. Every semester consists of 14 to 16 weeks of study. Classes start at 9:00 am and finish at 16:00 pm. Arabic is not only taught in classes but also using literature, culture, history, media, and common daily materials.
Learning Outcome
  • Level one: this level aims to enable students to read and write paragraphs and to communicate in standard Arabic to enable students to understand the Arabic language.
  • Level two: this level aims to enhance students’ command of Arabic at the basic level especially as it pertains to Arabic in daily situations and enables the student to communicate in specific situations and express themselves in writing with a good introduction to grammar.
  • Level three: this level aims to upgrade students’ performance in Arabic to an advanced level and increase their speaking, reading, and listening abilities. This level enriches the students’ vocabulary and advances their command of grammar and syntax.
  • Level four: this level aims to upgrade students’ performance in Arabic to an advanced level and students will be able to interact with native speakers fluently and spontaneously. At the end of this level, students will be able to understand the main ideas of complicated conversations and texts and express their opinions on abstract topics.
Target Participants International students from all nationalities and a variety of age groups.
Course Dates
Semester Start End  Number of weeks   Number of academic hours per week   Total academic hours 
semester 1 2/10/2023 11/01/2024 15 16 240
Two weeks break 14/01/2024 to 25/01/2024
semester 2 28/01/2024 9/05/2024 15 16 240
Duration 240 hours each Semester
Language Standard Arabic Language
Venue Sohar University
Registration Fees
 Tuition   Registration   Books   Student Visa 
$1700 $75 $30 $80
Contact us for more details
Course Overview We offer tailored courses with private instruction (one-to-one) or small group upon request. These options are also offered to students who wish to take extra hours of Arabic or to those who want to study Arabic for specific purposes for a shorter period of time. In addition, students may study Arabic for media, politics, diplomacy, business, or culture.
Learning Outcome The learning outcome and level of the program will depend on the need and purpose of the course.
Target Participants International students from all nationalities and a variety of age groups.
Course Dates Any time of the year
Duration Will be determine according to the requirement and the learning outcome.
Language Standard Arabic Language
Venue Sohar University
Registration Fees A proposal will be sent on request
Contact us for more details
Course Overview The Summer Arabic program is designed to deliver Arabic language training to all non-native speakers from around the world. The summer starts in June and ends in August. Arabic is not only taught in classes but also using literature, culture, history, media, and common daily materials.

** Summer semester will be available for seven weeks, depends on the number of students.

Learning Outcome
  • Level one: this level aims to enable students to read and write paragraphs and to communicate in standard Arabic to enable students to understand the Arabic language.
  • Level Two: this level aims to enhance students’ command of Arabic at the basic level especially as it pertains to Arabic in daily situations and enables the student to communicate in specific situations and express themselves in writing with a good introduction to grammar.
  • Level three: this level aims to upgrade students’ performance in Arabic to an advanced level and increase their speaking, reading, and listening abilities. This level enriches the students’ vocabulary and advances their command of grammar and syntax.
  • Level Four: this level aims to upgrade students’ performance in Arabic to an advanced level and students will be able to interact with native speakers fluently and spontaneously. At the end of this level, students will be able to understand the main ideas of complicated conversations and texts and express their opinions on abstract topics.
Target Participants International students from all nationalities and a variety of age groups.
Course Dates From 2 July to 27 August 2023
Duration 8 Weeks ( 100 Hours )
Language Standard Arabic Language
Venue Sohar University
Registration Fees 980 USD

Including books, registration, and tuition fees

Contact us for more details