الإدارة والقيادة

Course Overview The main objective of the training programme is to provide participants with the understanding of systems thinking as a concept and as a tool to tackle a range of management issues in business.
Learning Outcome
  • Systems, their characteristics and complexities
  • Business as a set of complex and dynamic system
  • The principles, language, and tools of systems thinking
  • The operational meaning of the abstract systems concepts
  • Simulating the dynamics of business issues
  • The meaning of high-level policy leverages to address the systemic problems in businesses
Target Participants Mid-level and senior executives from different functional areas of for-profit and not-for-profit organizations.
Course Dates 15-16/11/2023
Duration 16 hours
Language English
Venue Sohar University
Registration Fees 75 OMR
Contact us for more details Name: Badriya Al Ajmi
Phone Number: 91271393 – 26850111
Email: bajmi@su.edu.om

التسجيل والاستفسارات

Course Overview The core purpose of this course is to provide the audience with the importance of work-life balance and its importance in everyday life. The course will introduce the importance of work-life balance including how to reduce stress and chances of burnout. Moreover, the course will introduce multiple techniques to overcome procrastination.
Learning Outcome
  • Understand the benefits of a work-life balance
  • Recognize the signs of an unbalanced life
  • Overcome procrastination
  • The concept of gratification
  • Master time management and goal setting
  • Defining success in career and life
  • Developing healthy habits, managing stress
  • Redefining stress, emotional control and well-being
  • How to improve productivity at work
  • Planning your day effectively
Target Participants Executives, Senior Executives, Manager, and Front line employees from different functional areas / departments including HR professional, Doctors, Medical Staff, Industry employees and students.
Course Dates Available on Request
Duration 8 hours
Language English
Venue Sohar University
Registration Fees 45 OMR
Contact us for more details Name: Badriya Al Ajmi
Phone Number: 91271393 – 26850111
Email: bajmi@su.edu.om

التسجيل والاستفسارات

Course Overview To introduce to the participants the science and art of entrepreneurial thinking as well as the dynamics and complexities involved in the strategic entrepreneurial thinking.
Learning Outcome
  • Recognize Intrapreneurship as people centric, bottom-up approach of developing in-house radical innovation.
  • Knowing radical innovations and common traps include 1) familiarity trap – favoring the familiar over unfamiliar, 2) maturity trap – favoring the mature over nascent and 3) propinquity trap – favoring proximity to existing solutions rather than completely new solutions.
  • Applying intrapreneurship concepts for achieving competitive advantage through company growth, developing entrepreneurial culture and breeding talent.
  • Participants will just not be able to create but also find and recognize entrepreneurs in their existing enterprises through vision, preparation and implementation.
  • Analyze and apply various managerial approaches to support intrapreneurship by ensuring autonomy, responsibility, motivation and incentives or resources.
Target Participants Executives and senior executives from different functional areas / departments including marketing, information technology, operations, human resources, entrepreneurs.
Course Dates Available on Request
Duration 16 hours
Language English
Venue Sohar University
Registration Fees 75 OMR
Contact us for more details Name: Badriya Al Ajmi
Phone Number: 91271393 – 26850111
Email: bajmi@su.edu.om

التسجيل والاستفسارات

Course Overview Artificial Intelligence-Business Intelligence Applications training course provides the foundational knowledge of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its technical and business applications. This course provides an overview of AI and explains how it can be used to help organizations be more efficient and enrich people’s lives by driving positive change, eradicate any inefficiencies and adapt better, and quicker to change in the market. Business intelligence (BI) refers to the technologies, applications and practices needed for the collection, integration, analysis, and presentation of business information. This course provides an overview of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and BI and demonstrates how it facilitates effective implementation of organizational strategies through better business decision making. Combining business analytics, data mining and visualization, tools, infrastructure and best practices, business intelligence (BI) is vital for helping companies make informed and intelligent decisions that are based upon the relevant data.
Learning Outcome
  • Analyze the theoretical foundation of artificial intelligence, current trends and issues to determine the effectiveness of AI technology.
  • Discuss different intelligent models and techniques AI.
  • Describe the concepts and components of Business Intelligence (BI).
  • Critically evaluate using BI for supporting decision making in organizations.
  • Understand the technologies and tools that used in BI (e.g. Data warehousing, and Data reporting).
  • Plan the implementation of a BI project.
  • Discuss examples of BI research projects.
Target Participants Modern technologies, decision makers, entrepreneurs executives, investors, professionals, technicians, marketers, information technology, operations, Final year project (FYP) students, postgraduates and researchers.
Course Dates Available on Request
Duration 16 Hours
Language English
Venue Sohar University
Registration Fees 75 OMR
Contact us for more details Name: Badriya Al Ajmi
Phone Number: 91271393 – 26850111
Email: bajmi@su.edu.om

التسجيل والاستفسارات

Course Overview This course is built upon the foundation of the Human Resource Management field with a specific focus on management of talents. The course adopts a combination of the mainstream theory of strategic HRM with emerging theories in tandem with the complex challenges in global business. Participants will be taught theories, concepts and strategies to acquire an understanding and skills to address talent management issues. They will also learn relevant frameworks to develop their managerial and leadership potentials. Cases, examples and knowledge sharing in the course provide participants with an exposure to global and local HRM and talent practices.
Learning Outcome
  • Formulate recommendations to address HR issues based on relevant theories and concepts.
  • Display managerial and leadership qualities in addressing relevant issues pertaining to leading talents in organizations.
Target Participants This course is relevant for senior managers and executives who are involved in crafting and developing potential leaders. It is equally useful for anyone who wants to learn about leading people and how leaders create value in their organizations.
Course Dates 30/11/2023 – 01/12/2023
Duration 16 hours
Language English
Venue Sohar University
Registration Fees 100 OMR
Contact us for more details Name: Badriya Al Ajmi
Phone Number: 91271393 – 26850111
Email: bajmi@su.edu.om

التسجيل والاستفسارات

Course Overview The main purpose of this concept brief is to offer a professional certification executive program through the Faculty of Business, Sohar University consultation mode for the industry executive and senior executives on the “Leadership Executive Acceleration Program” (LEADSkill).
Learning Outcome
  • Prepare the talent pool who will hold the position of senior managers in skills in terms of strategic management, talent development and leadership, finance, consulting and entrepreneurial innovation.
  • Provide added value to executive and senior managers through upskilling initiatives by offering a short-term program called the “Lead Up-skill to Leadership Executive Development Program”.
  • Produce a talent acceleration reporting to the client on their company’s talent development for prospective executive/senior managers who will participate in the program through competency assessment leading to enhanced leadership skills for future leaders.
Target Participants Senior Executives/Managers
Course Dates 12-20/12/2023
Duration 64 hours
Language English
Venue Sohar University
Registration Fees 475 OMR
Contact us for more details Name: Badriya Al Ajmi
Phone Number: 91271393 – 26850111
Email: bajmi@su.edu.om

التسجيل والاستفسارات

نظرة عامة هذه دورة مدتها 80 ساعة سيتم إجراؤها على مدار شهر كتحضير لدورة تدريبية محددة في كلية إدارة الأعمال.
مخرجات التعلم تهدف الدورة إلى تحسين مهارات التواصل لدى الطلبة في اللغة الإنجليزية ومعرفة الحوسبة والرياضيات.
المشاركون المستهدفون موظفين البنك
تاريخ الدورة التدريبية متوفرة عند الطلب
عدد الساعات 80 ساعة تدريبية
لغة البرنامج اللغة الانجليزية
مكان الانعقاد جامعة صحار
رسوم التسجيل 200 ريال عماني
لمزيد من الاستفسارات الهاتف: 26850111
الواتساب: 91271393
البريد الإالكتروني: bajmi@su.edu.om

التسجيل والاستفسارات

نظرة عامة هذه دورة مدتها 20 ساعة ستركز على تطوير آداب العمل لدى المتدربين.
مخرجات التعلم تهدف هذه الدورة إلى تطوير آداب السلوك المطلوب من المتدربين امتلاكها في العمل.
المشاركون المستهدفون طلبة الأعمال والموظفون
تاريخ الدورة التدريبية متوفرة عند الطلب
عدد الساعات 8 ساعات تدريبية
لغة البرنامج اللغة الانجليزية
مكان الانعقاد جامعة صحار
رسوم التسجيل 30 ريال عماني
لمزيد من الاستفسارات الهاتف: 26850111
الواتساب: 91271393
البريد الإالكتروني: bajmi@su.edu.om

التسجيل والاستفسارات